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Checksheets Included in 'Road to Clear'

Due to the many processes and rundowns contained in The Road to Clear  they are not all part of a checksheet at this point. Yet, an auditor can be called upon applying a specific process or rundown  to a pc. As long as the auditor has been checked out and drilled the action per Drilling Processes he should be ready to go. He can do any action listed under a level he has already completed. The checksheets are thus at this point intended to cover a basic training route that brings the auditor's skill level up to a point where he easily can tackle any and all actions contained in The Road to Clear.


Level Zero Checksheet (link to print-out).
Prerequisites: Student Manual.
Level Zero is aimed at teaching student auditors
1. the basic skills of auditing. 
2. The processes of Level Zero.
The basic skills of auditing are part of any session and should be learned well here and constantly be improved upon through experience and additional study. Learning the processes of Level Zero makes it possible to co-audit the listed processes. Many additional processes can be run with the skills of a Level Zero auditor. Better yet is to do Level 1-5 and learn all the data needed and do the grades and other actions needed.

Level One Checksheet (link to print-out).
Prerequisites: Level Zero.
Level One is aimed at teaching student auditors:
1. Objective Processes
2. Help Processes
3. Grade One Problems Processes
4. Prepchecking.

Level Two Checksheet (link to print-out).
Prerequisites: Level One.
Level Two is aimed at teaching student auditors:
1. Grade Two processes
2. Confessional Procedure
3. Confessional Auditors Beingness

Level Three Checksheet (link to print-out).
Prerequisites: Level Two.
Level Three is aimed at teaching student auditors:
1. Two Way communication. 
2. Grade Three processes. 
3. Rehab Procedures. 
4. Auditing by Lists. 
5. Listing & Nulling. 
6. Int Remedy

Level Four Checksheet (link to print-out).
Level Four is aimed at teaching student auditors:
1. Grade Four processes
2. Service Computation data

There are no checksheets for CT-4 Pro, CT-5 or CT-5Pro C/S.


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