The Guided Tour to Standard Technology" is an in-depth introduction to auditing and standard technology. It is based on the web-book "The Road to Clear" (V.8, Jan. 2004). Disclaimer: Clearbird Publishing and The Road to Clear are not affiliated with Church of Scientology or the official Dianetics organizations. Scientology, Dianetics, L. Ron Hubbard, Standard Tech, Book One, E-meter, Happiness Rundown, Purification Rundown, etc. are trademarked words owned by L. Ron Hubbard's estate and heirs (RTC, CST) and are as a rule not used in this publication. The Road to Clear is an independent presentation of L. Ron Hubbard's Standard Tech of Scientology and Dianetics and does not violate any law within copyright or trademark as covered in length under 'About Clearbird'. Clearbird is independent of organizational and financial interests of Church of Scientology, the Sea Organization, etc. It is an independent textbook in the subjects of Scientology and Dianetics made available to the online community totally legally based upon Clearbird Publishing's copyrights.

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The Guided Tour to
Standard Technology





Welcome to "The Guided Tour
to Standard Technology"

The present web book is an in-depth introduction to auditing and standard technology. It is based on the web-book "The Road to Clear". It consists of less technical chapters from that publication. Added to that are a few chapters on study, which are taken from Clearbird's Study Manual.
We understand there is a need for a less technical introduction to the
subject of auditing and standard technology. We have made this guided tour for people just getting aware of the subject but willing to spend some quality time getting familiar with the principles and methods. It skips sections that mainly have interest to more in-depth studies and the details of how to do auditing. It is still a whole book, but less technical.

For somebody interested in receiving auditing on the Grades and then become a Solo Auditor it is an ideal Guide as it will ensure a much better understanding of what is going on in an auditing session with better results as the outcome.

It is a read that takes some commitment, because we do cover the theory of the mind and the spirit - and it is a fascinating and new journey for most readers.




Guided Tour - Content Table
to Guided Tour


"What is a Student"
"Barriers to Study"
"Understanding and Study"
"Conceptual Understanding"

Level Zero - Basics


What is Auditing
Basic Definitions for PC's
PC Hat

 Communication and Auditing
Tone Scale
ARC & Training Routines
Axiom 28 - The Communication Formula
PC Indicators
How the Meter Works
Auditors Code
Auditor's Beingness


The Grades
Recall Grade
Communication Grade
Grade Chart



Level One - Help,





Objective Processes
Problems Processes

Level Two - Relief






What is a Withhold
What is a Missed Withhold
Overts, Motivators, Flows
Confessional Auditors Beingness

Level 3 - Upsets

"Level Three - Outline"
"Two Way Comm as a Process"
"What is an ARC Break?"
"Cause of ARC Breaks"
"Listing & Nulling"


Level Four - Ability,
Fixed Ideas

"Level Four - Outline"
Service Computations
"Living with Right
and Wrong"

"Fixated Purpose Rundown"

Level 4 Pro - Tools, Repairs






"Level Four Pro - Outline"
"Potential Trouble Source"
"PTS Tech -
Basic Definitions"

"The Anti-social Personality"
"PTS Phenomena"
"Out Interiorization"
"Dating and Locating"

Level 5


"Engram Clearing -

"The Time Track Illustrated"
"The Time Track and Engram Running"



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© Clearbird Publishing, 2003, 2004, 2005. All rights reserved.
We allow downloading and electronic translations, 
duplicate postings to the web, but not printed or commercial editions 
without special agreement with the publisher.
Last updated May 9, 2004.


noch of Scientology, the Sea Organization, etc. It is an independent textbook in 
Not affiliated with Church of Scientology or the official Dianetics organizations. Scientology, Dianetics, L. Ron Hubbard, Standard Tech, Book One, E-meter, Happiness Rundown, Purification Rundown, etc. are trademarked words owned by L. Ron Hubbard's estate and Library (RTC, CST) and are as a rule not used in this publication. The Road to Clear is an independent presentation of L. Ron Hubbard's Standard Tech of Scientology and Dianetics and does not violate any law within copyright or trademark as covered in length under 'About Clearbird'. Clearbird is independent of organizational and financial interests of Church of Scientology, the Sea Organization, etc. It is an independent textbook in the subjects of Scientology and Dianetics made available to the online community totally legally based upon Clearbird Publishing's copyrights. not affiliated with Church of Scientology or the official Dianetics organizations. Scientology, Dianetics, shing's copyrights.