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C/S No 1

Auditing - Basic Definitions for PC's

and PC's Hat

This is often called C/S Instruction No 1, as it is the first educational step to do with a new client before actual auditing begins. C/S is the Case Supervisor - the person that guides and oversees the activity through written instructions for the auditor to do in session. 

The basic words of CT defined. It is the 
"Open, Sesame!" to a new world of adventure

The basic vocabulary of any new field is very important to learn well. Learning it will teach you all the new ideas in the subject that you are new to. Unless you have them down cold, you won't be able to get into the subject and study it with success.


Basic Definitions (C/S No 1)

Ability Clearing
ARC Break
Auditor's Code
Auditing Comm
- cycle


Comm Cycle

Earlier Similar
Engram Clearing
Floating Needle
Mental Image
- picticture

Mental Mass
Missed Withhold

PT Problem
Reactive Mind
Repetitive Process

Clearing Tech
Time Track

PC Hat

Alcohol, Drugs
one's case
Off-line actions
Other treatment

Click illustrations to go to alphabetical dictionary


These are the terms and ideas you have to grasp to successfully receive auditing. You will need a good English dictionary, so you can look up any words you do not understand. If English is not your first language, you also need a dictionary for your native language and English. You need the "Technical Dictionary of Scn", which contains these and many other terms. You may need other books for reference, such as Ron Hubbard's "Fundamentals of Thought" and possibly "Scn 0-8 - Book of Basics".  

A Demo Kit consists 
of anything you can 
 find around. Use it 
to 'show and tell' 
definitions, principles 
and other theory with.

Finally you need a so-called Demo Kit  (as described in the study manual). You use this to make small demonstrations on the table to your twin (or to your auditor, if done in session). It simply consists of small items you have put together in a little box - like paper clips, matches, screws and bolts, coins etc. You show, demonstrate or illustrate what a definition means, by 'show and tell' with the bits and pieces. You might say: "This match box is the pc; the coins and clips here are his Reactive Bank..." etc. You may also give examples from your own observations and experience to demonstrate your understanding. When, as an auditor, you have your client, (the pc) demonstrate for you, be sure to have him or her also give plenty of observations from personal experience.

If done in session, you would simply ask: 

"What is the definition of __________?" and refer to one term at the time.

You let the pc tell you. If he is unsure of the definition, you look it up and clear it to full understanding. In a session, if you use a Meter, you make sure each word is taken to a floating needle (FN), whether given correctly by the preclear at first or you have to look it up.

You have to make sure he understands all the words used in the definitions. If there is a word he doesn't understand or is unsure of the meaning, you have him look it up in a dictionary per study tech and clear it completely (to F/N if metered).

  You need to 'hit the 
books' to learn.


You have him demonstrate it with the demo kit and give you examples.


Ron Hubbard (1911-86).
Road to Clear
is a textbook in the 
basic spiritual technology 
he defined.
(press photo)


You clear these terms:

1. CLEARING TECHNOLOGY (CT):  (1). A spiritual technology, mainly defined and developed by Ron Hubbard. An auditor applies this technology to a preclear in a formal session. The goal is the spiritual betterment of the preclear. The application of the processes and technology will bring about this change and, consequently, a change in the pc's conditions and life. For short we use the letters CT to mean Clearing Technology. In this publication it is the exact same technology as what Ron Hubbard called standard technology.
(2). You could say Clearing Technology or Standard Technology is the auditing technology part of Scn. Scn is a broader subject. It includes philosophy covering the character of life, death, Man, the spirit, the mind, and the physical universe; but also subjects like Ethics, Administration and Management, Logic, and Data Analysis.

1 B. ABILITY CLEARING: Clearing Technology is divided into a number of Levels. Levels 0-4 have as their objective to improve the student's or client's abilities. Each Level (Grade) is devoted to one main ability. Levels 0-4 are thus under one called Ability Clearing.

1 C. ENGRAM CLEARING: Level 5 of Clearing Technology is devoted to erasing painful and harmful recordings in the Reactive Mind. Rather than working on abilities it is devoted to unburden the client from pain and unconsciousness contained in his Reactive Mind. The key phrase is thus "Erasure of Engrams" rather than "Improvement of Abilities".

3.The symbol used for Clearing Technology is the seagull. This is based on the story about Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach. This is a symbolic story about wanting to become a master in flying (ability and wisdom) and pass this ability onto new seagulls. By putting Standard Technology on the web we pass this wisdom onto you and ask you to 'return the favor' by passing it onto somebody else.

2. SCIENTOLOGY®: (Scn): 1.An applied religious philosophy. It deals with the study of knowledge, which through the application of its technology can bring about desirable changes in the conditions of life. (Taken from the Latin word scio: knowing in the fullest sense of the word, and the Greek word logos: to study.)
2. A body of knowledge which, when properly used, gives freedom and truth to the individual.

N.B. The German philosopher Dr. Nordenholz, who published the book “Scientologie” in Munich, Germany in 1934, originally conceived this term. Its present form is based on Ron Hubbard's work. Hubbard called it Scientology® (different spelling). He saw it as his purpose to gather wisdom and truth from many sources, refine it and make it into one body of knowledge. As this is a common effort pursued by many philosophers throughout the ages, we keep the spelling of Dr. A. Nordenholz: 'Scientologie'. We use however 'Scn' throughout the manual.

3. AUDITING: Also called processing. This is the application of CT processes and procedures to someone by a trained auditor. The exact definition of auditing is: the action of asking a preclear a question (which he can understand and answer), getting an answer to that question and acknowledging him for that answer.

4. AUDITING SESSION: A period in which an auditor and preclear are in a quiet place where they will not be disturbed. The auditor gives the preclear certain and exact commands which the preclear can follow. The auditor starts the session and is the one who ends the session.

5. PRECLEAR: (PC): From pre-Clear, a person not yet Clear; generally a person being audited, who is thus on his way to Clear. A person that is finding out more about himself and life through CT processing.

6. AUDITOR: A person trained and qualified in applying CT processes and procedures to individuals for their betterment; called an auditor because auditor means "one who listens."

   The Thetan is 
not the body 
or the brain.

7. THETAN: From THETA (life), a word taken from the Greek symbol or letter 'theta', traditional symbol for thought or spirit. The thetan is the individual himself, not the body or the mind. The thetan is the "I"; one doesn't have or own a thetan; one is a thetan. It's his "real me".

8. MIND: It is not the brain. The mind is the accumulated recordings of thoughts, conclusions, decisions, observations and perceptions of a thetan throughout his entire existence in picture form. The thetan can and does use the mind in handling life and the physical universe.

9. BODY:  The organism with limbs, head, etc. It's the physical part of a human being or animal - whether the body is living or dead.

10. PICTURE: An exact likeness; image - a mental image.

A Mental Image Picture of a 
dog and a real dog are two 
different things. The pictures 
 in the Bank can 'bite', meaning 
cause pain and discomfort - 
especially pictures of painful 
incidents in the past.

11. MENTAL IMAGE PICTURE: Mental pictures, facsimiles: a copy of one's perceptions of the physical universe of some time or incident in the past. It can also be mock-ups, meaning produced by the thetan with his imagination and not a copy of an actual incident.

12. REACTIVE MIND: 1.Reactive Bank. The portion of the mind that works on a stimulus-response basis (given a certain stimulus it will automatically give a certain response) that is not under a person's volitional control and which exerts force and power over a person's awareness, purposes, thoughts, body and actions.

2. The Reactive Mind never stops operating. Pictures of the environment, of a very low order, are taken (recorded) by this mind even in some states of unconsciousness.

13.  BANK: An every-day name for the Reactive Mind. The mental image picture collection of the pc.

14. CLEAR: 1) A person (thetan) who can be at cause knowingly and at will over mental matter, energy, space and time as regards the first dynamic (survival for self). The state of Clear is above the release Grades 0-4 of CT (all of which have to be done before you get to clearing). 2) A Being who no longer has his own Reactive Mind. (this is the valid technical definition).

15. COMMUNICATION CYCLE: A completed communication, including origination of the communication, receipt of the communication, and answer or acknowledgement of the communication. A communication cycle consists of simply: cause, distance, and effect, with intention, attention, duplication and understanding.

This is the auditing communication cycle that is always in use:
     1. Is the pc ready to receive the command? (Appearance, presence)

     2.Auditor gives command/question to pc (cause, distance, effect)
Pc looks in his Bank for an answer
Pc receives answer from his Bank
 Pc gives answer to auditor (cause, distance, effect)
Auditor acknowledges pc
     7. Auditor
sees that pc received the acknowledgement (attention)
New cycle beginning with (1).


timetrack3.jpg (29690 bytes)

   The Time Track is 
the picture record 
of the pc's past.


17. TIME TRACK: The consecutive record of mental image pictures that accumulates through the preclear's existence. The Time Track is a very accurate record of the pc’s past, very accurately timed and very obedient to the auditor. If a motion picture film were 3D, had 52 perceptions and could fully react upon the observer, the Time Track could be called a motion picture film.  [Insert picture from DN picture book]

18. MENTAL MASS: Mental matter, energy, space and time.
It exists in the mind and has physical existence that can be measured by a CT Meter. The proportionate weight of a mental picture of an elephant would be terribly slight compared to the real object.

Have somebody demonstrate CT Meter here, if possible.) The Meter registers mental mass. The changes of the position of the needle indicate changes of the mass in the pc's mind.

Key-In: Meeting a dog keys in a picture of being bitten by a dog.  He 
gets a pain in his leg. The Bank can't see the difference between the 
friendly dog and the dangerous dog that bit him in the past. 
It tells him to “play it safe”.

19. KEY-IN:
Is a moment where an earlier upset or earlier incident has been restimulated and affects the pc in a negative way.

20. KEY-OUT: The action of a reactive incident (or many related incidents) dropping away without the mental image pictures being erased. The picture is still there but now far away. The pc feels released or separate from his Reactive Mind or some portion of it.

21. RELEASE: 1. A preclear whose Reactive Mind or some major portion of it is keyed-out and is not influencing him.   2. A series of gradual key-outs. At any given one of those key-outs, the individual will detach from the remainder of his Reactive Bank. In CT processing there are many major Grades of Release. 

22. POSTULATE: 1. A conclusion, decision, or resolution made by the individual himself; to conclude, decide, or resolve a problem or to make a plan or set a pattern for the future, or to nullify a pattern of the past (as in New Years resolutions).   2. We mean, by postulate, a self-created truth. A postulate is, of course, that thing which the individual uses to start a directed desire or order, or inhibition, or enforcement; it is in the form of an idea. Postulate means to cause a thinkingness or consideration.

A cognition is a bright 
moment, where the pc 
 gets a new understanding 
of something important 
to him.

  23. COGNITION: A pc origination or statement indicating he has come to realize something. It's a "What do you know? I ____ " statement. It’s a new realization of life. It results in a higher degree of awareness and consequently a greater ability to succeed with one's activities in life.

The Needle on the 
Meter sweeps back 
 and forth as illustrated 
by the curved line.


24. FLOATING NEEDLE (FN or F/N): A floating needle is a certain needle behavior on a CT Meter. It is a harmonic motion sweep of the needle over the dial at a slow, even pace. A valid floating needle is always accompanied by very good indicators in the pc.




Right and wrong follow naturally when
 you know where you are headed. If you 
travel, a wrong turn would lead away 
from the destination; a right turn would 
lead you closer to the destination. 

When Ron Hubbard discovered that the common denominator of all life impulses is SURVIVAL this had a profound effect on how we view life and living and how we view good and bad, right and wrong.
Ron Hubbard defined survival as taking place along the individual's spheres of interest. The word Survival is here used in a broader sense than mere basic survival. Once mere survival is ensured, in the form of food and shelter, we strive to improve our lot in life.

We seek to ensure the survival for the things that assist us as we look further and further ahead. Survival, in human terms, could also be described as one’s degree of success in life, including our surroundings and other life forms around us.

The highest degree of survival would be ultimate success in all spheres of life.  

These spheres of interest Ron Hubbard calls the Dynamics. There are at least eight such Dynamics - possibly more. The eight Dynamics are:

First Dynamic: Survival for self. This includes the body and one's personal belongings. Here we have self-interest and self-preservation.
We have the fundamental battle for existence, food and shelter, to keep our body alive and well. We have self-interest and - as things improve - we have ensuring our good health, self-image, reputation, and a constant upgrade of personal belongings and building up reserves.


First Dynamic: caring for our immediate survival gets 
extended to improving our lot in life and building up reserves.


Second Dynamic: Survival through sex and family. This includes the sexual act plus the  caring for spouse and children, parents, grandparents, extended family and family belongings. We want to survive through our children and we want our children to survive and do well in life.


Second Dynamic: interest in opposite sex, the sexual 
act, marriage and care for children and family.


Third Dynamic: Survival as a group member and survival for one's group or groups. This would cover everything from work place, circle of friends, associations, clubs, congregations, to Flag and Country. If our group or groups do well we will do well too.


Third Dynamic: we seek to survive as members of various groups. From 
workplace, city and country to interest groups as sports, politics, etc.


Fourth Dynamic: Survival for mankind and activities that ensure that. This covers care for other nations and races. Activities such as United Nations, humanitarian efforts and peace movements are all motivated by the urge of survival for the human race.


Fourth Dynamic: There are more things that unites us as a species than separates 
us as peoples or nations. Recognizing our common interests is 4th Dynamic 
awareness. (Pictures from UN.orgs website) 


Fifth Dynamic: Survival for animals and plants. We don't only need them for food, we want and care for them as our pets and gardens; we take care of nature and wildlife, are environmentalists etc. We realize down deep that we are part of nature and without nature, with its plants and animals, our survival will sooner or later be seriously threatened.


Fifth Dynamic: We have a natural bond with other 
life forms whether plants or animals, wild or domesticated.
We help their survival and they help ours.


Sixth Dynamic: Survival for the physical universe. We want to ensure the survival of the physical universe, as it is our home. We enjoy it and depend on it in many ways.

This urge tells us to take care of material objects, large and small, and makes us continue to care for and wonder about and explore the vast physical universe.

Survival itself as defined in terms of the physical universe is: persisting as a physical identity (body) through the passing of time despite obstacles and oppositions.

Man is proudest when he through exploration, science and technology can demonstrate that he can conquer a hostile physical environment. He is continuously, as a species, engaged in the conquest of the physical universe.


Sixth Dynamic: we care for and explore the physical universe 
as it is our home. We want ultimately to conquer it.


Seventh Dynamic: Survival as a spirit.

We seek extended survival as spirits and through spiritual activities, like the arts, philosophy, beliefs in life after death, etc.

Seventh Dynamic: we seek extended survival through spiritual activities 
and survival as spiritual entities (thetans).


Eighth Dynamic: Survival as part of a Supreme Being or Infinity.

We seek to survive forever as part of a Supreme Being and by worship of God and religion or as part of Infinity.

Eighth Dynamic: we seek to survive through 
religion and as part of a Supreme Being or infinity.

All human activity and any creation that can be perceived can be classified in one or more of these Dynamics.

Interestingly enough we can directly observe the first four Dynamics at work in other life forms too, be it animals or plants.
They too care for their offspring and their own kind as well as seeking their own survival.

With the understanding of the Dynamics we gain a much clearer understanding of what good and bad is, what right and wrong is and what Ethics is.

You will see many individual differences from one human to the next.

The nun in the picture above has dedicated her life to God (the eighth Dynamic).

The criminal is totally consumed by his First Dynamic.

Each lifestyle, profession, and individual can thus be described in terms of the Dynamics he or she favors and opposes.

In order to have a game we choose not to do the absolute right thing. That would be "too boring" as there are no opponents and no game.

The next section has to do with the Rudiments. These are questions and small processes usually used in the beginning of a session. Their purpose is to handle any mental distractions the pc may have when he first arrives in session. By getting these handled and out of the way, the pc will have more willingness and ability to do the major processes to the full-intended result. The Rudiments can also be used during the session, if the auditor sees any of the signs of their need.

26. RUDIMENTS: 1. First principles, steps, stages or conditions. The basic actions done at the beginning of a session to “set up” the pc for the major session action.    2.The normal rudiments are: ARC breaks (upsets), Present Time Problems (worries), and Withholds (something pc feels he shouldn't say).

  Affinity: Degree of 
liking, tolerance 
of closeness.

27. AFFINITY: 1.Degree of liking or affection or lack of it.    2. Affinity is a tolerance of distance.  3. A great affinity makes you feel 'close' to somebody or something. It's a tolerance of or liking of closeness or close proximity.   4. A lack of affinity would be an intolerance of or dislike of closeness.  5. Affinity is one of the components of understanding; the other components are reality and communication. 


Reality has to do with agreement. For example, when you sign your name to something with witnesses 
present it becomes more real. It is also enforceable in the eyes of the law.

 28. REALITY:  1.Has to do with agreement (or lack thereof). It is the agreed-upon apparency of existence.  2. A reality is any data that agrees with the person's perceptions, way of thinking and education.   3. Reality is one of the components of understanding.   4. Reality is what is. 

Exchange of 
ideas over 
a distance


29. COMMUNICATION:   1.The exchange or interchange of ideas or objects between two people or designated locations (terminals).    2. More precisely the definition of communication is the consideration and action of impelling an impulse or particle from source point across a distance to receipt point, with the intention of bringing into being at the receipt point a duplication and understanding of that which emanated from the source point.    3.The formula of communication is: cause, distance, effect, with intention, attention and duplication and understanding. Communication by definition does not need to be two-way. Communication is one of the component parts of understanding.

ARC break: 
becoming upset
  - as here the busy 
guy who sees his 
colleague just 
goofing off. 

30. ARC BREAK: A sudden drop or cutting of one's affinity, reality or communication with someone or something. It is pronounced by its letters: A-R-C break.    2. This is in common language known as an upset or a condition of being shocked, disappointed, surprised, etc.

Problem as 
 two opposed 

31. PROBLEM:  1. Anything that has opposing sides of equal force, especially postulate-counter-postulate, intention-counter-intention or idea-counter-idea.
 2. It is an intention-counter-intention that worries the preclear.


  PTP: a problem 
upon which the 
person has his 
attention fixed.

32. PRESENT TIME PROBLEM:  1. A specific problem that exists in the physical universe now, on which a person has his attention fixed. This can include practical matters he feels he ought to do something about right away.    2. Any set of circumstances that occupies the pc's attention, so he feels he should do something about it instead of being audited. Abbreviation: PTP.


 Overt: A 
 harmful act.

33. OVERT:  1. A harmful act; a bad deed.    2. An Overt act is an act of omission or commission that does the least good for the least number of dynamics or the most harm to the greatest number of dynamics.   3. It is an aggressive or destructive act by the individual against one or more living beings or things.

 Withhold: She ruined 
 the copier, but nobody 
saw it. She knows that 
is bad, but is afraid 
of getting fired.
   Solution: She withholds it.  

34. WITHHOLD:  1.An undisclosed harmful (contra-survival) act.  2. After having committed an Overt, the person wants to keep it hidden or secret. So he/she withholds the Overt.


  A Missed Withhold 
is a Withhold being 
restimulated by 
somebody else. Example: 
 The man walking by.

35. MISSED WITHHOLD:  1. A Withhold, which has been restimulated by another but not disclosed. This is a Withhold which another person nearly found out about, leaving the person (pc) with the Withhold in a state of wondering whether her hidden deed is known or not.      2. The Missed Withhold is different from the Withhold as the pc's main worry in this circumstance is: Did the other person found out or not?    3.The action of another that has the pc thinking the other person nearly found out (the Overt) or to raise the question that maybe he found out or guessed it, is why it's called a Missed Withhold.

36. EARLIER means it happened before or further back in time, than the incident they were just talking about.

37. SIMILAR means it was somewhat the same type of incident. It could have to do with the same person or persons, the same place or the same surrounding circumstances, or perhaps of similar content.

38. EARLIER SIMILAR:  1. When the auditor is checking the rudiments, he may run into the situation that the difficulty doesn't resolve right away. To resolve the situation he will have the pc look for an earlier similar incident.  2. The power of an incident is usually derived from Earlier Similars. The pc is reactively being reminded of such incidents.   In running a rudiment you take it to a key-out (F/N, VGIs).

Picture: Meeting a baby elephant 
reminds the boy unknowingly 
about meetings with giant 
elephants in the past.

4. To ask for an earlier similar incident is used in many processes. The auditor, in running many processes, will ask for an Earlier Similar Incident.   5. A reason the present incident does not resolve is because it unknowingly reminds the pc about earlier times. When he is sent earlier and the exact circumstances become known to him, the subject matter will clear up.


 Repetitive Process: 
 A Hot question is being 
asked over and over to 
 get all possible answers 
and discharge it for 
content. "Do birds fly?" 
is used in drilling this.


39. REPETITIVE PROCESS:  1. A process, in which the same auditing question or command is given many times to the pc. The pc is finding new answers every time.   2. The auditor will state the command as if it has never been asked before in a new unit of time, but with no variation of words; he will acknowledge the pc's answer and handle the pc origins by understanding and acknowledging what the pc said.      3. This type of process will permit the individual to examine his mind and environment thoroughly and sort out relative importances.

40. FLOW: A stream of energy between two points. It is an impulse or direction of energy particles, or thought, or objects between terminals.
Many processes are run on different flows. This basically has to do with who is doing what to whom.

In processing the auditor works with four main flows:
FLOW 1: Something happening to self.    Another doing something to you.
FLOW 2: Doing something to another.    You doing something to another.

FLOW 3: Others doing things to others.  You see it happen as a spectator.
FLOW 0: Self doing something to self.    You do something to yourself.

 Assessment and Prepared Lists

The auditor, trained in using a Meter, can use prepared (printed) lists to find the specific problem or difficulty he needs to address to get the preclear out of an unpleasant or puzzling situation that has suddenly arisen in session.
The list will contain all the possible difficulties for that kind of situation and the Meter will tell the auditor, which one is the first one to take up.
 A prepared list may turn up one thing or many things that should be tackled before the routine process should be taken up again.
 When done the auditor and preclear can resume work on the process they were doing before the situation arose that took them off that process. Prepared lists can also be used to address a troubling area of pc's life and 'clean it up'.

You can do many processes without a Meter, but one of the advantages an auditor trained in using the Meter has is that he can use prepared lists to quickly locate the exact area he should address.

41. ASSESS: means to choose from a list of statements - which item or thing has the biggest read on the Meter and the pc's interest. The biggest read usually will also have the pc's interest.  

Assessment is done between the 
pc's Bank and the Meter. The 
auditor watches the Meter to see 
 which item has the biggest reaction.   


42. ASSESSMENT: 1.  It is a metered action done with the aid of a prepared list.  An assessment is done by the auditor between the pc's Bank and the Meter. The auditor reads each line from the list and notes which line or item has the biggest reaction. 
2. The auditor looks at the Meter while doing an Assessment. Assessment is the whole action of obtaining a significant item from a pc.


The Auditors Code applies 
 to all auditing. It ensures the right professional conduct to make a pleasant and productive session.


Below is the Auditors Code .It consists of an important set of rules, which guides the auditor's professional behavior and attitude.
The purpose of these rules is to develop maximum trust between auditor and pc. Maximum trust leads to quickest and most lasting results.
It's a joy to be audited by an auditor, who sticks to this code rigorously all the time. Remember the important rule: Auditor plus pc is greater than pc's Bank (auditor + pc > Bank). The comments below each code are added and are not part of the code.

THE AUDITOR'S CODE   (for CT Auditors)

(1) Never evaluate for the preclear or tell him what he should think about his case in session.
Comment: The auditor never tells the preclear what to think about his problems; he never tries to solve the pc's problems for him. He lets the pc figure it out and helps him to do that with the technology and the processes.
To break this rule in auditing is bad. It's called evaluation.
Also he does not tell pc what written materials mean, but helps pc understand them by clearing up the words and having him do demonstrations and give examples.

(2) Never invalidate the preclear's case or gains in or out of session.
Comment: The auditor never tells the pc what he think is wrong with him - or worse, tells him he is wrong about something. Again the whole purpose of auditing is to help the pc become capable of figuring these things out for himself. To make wrong or contradict the pc is called invalidation. It's bad to do as an auditor; it's very counter-productive. It breaks down the pc's self-confidence and trust in the auditor.

(3) Use only the standard application of CT to a preclear in the standard way.

(4) Always keep all auditing appointments once made.
Comment: Helps building confidence and trust in the auditor/pc relationship.

(5) Do not process a preclear who has not had sufficient rest and who is physically tired.

(6) Do not process a preclear that is improperly fed or hungry.
Comment: A tired or hungry pc is not up to his best, when it comes to confronting his Bank. Extreme tiredness and hunger can lead to nervous breakdowns all by themselves. It's important to take care of these factors beforehand, so the session will mean a big step forward. The auditor checks that the pc is well fed and rested before each session.

(7) Do not permit a frequent change of auditors.
Comment: Helps in building confidence and trust in the auditor/pc relationship.

(8) Do not sympathize with a preclear, but be effective.

Comment: Compassion and sympathy are two different things. To sympathize is to feel sorry for the pc and apparently agree with the pc's difficulties.

(9) Never let the preclear end session on his own determinism, but finish off those cycles you have begun.
Comment: The pc can occasionally become scared and want to run away from his Bank. The auditor is there to make sure pc gets through temporary difficulties and reaches the EP of the process.
There is a basic rule of auditing: "The way out is the way through".

Only if the auditor runs into a situation he feels he needs the case supervisor's help to resolve would he end off before completely done. He would get the needed instructions and take the pc into session again to complete the action.

(10) Never walk off from a preclear in session.
Comment: Helps in building confidence and trust in the auditor/pc relationship.

(11) Never get angry with a preclear in session.

Comment: This would be a form of invalidation. Remember, auditor plus the pc is greater than the pc's Bank. The pc must feel safe enough to close his eyes when he wants to and look into his Bank. An angry auditor would make this impossible.

(12) Always run a major case action to its end phenomenon.

Comment: This is related to (9), but there is more to it. The auditor has to ensure that the pc gets the full benefits available from a process or set of processes by not ending off too soon.

(13) Do not run any one action beyond its end phenomenon.
Comment: A process can be overrun, meaning beyond a point where it has culminated (EP'ed). A set of processes may also be overrun. The auditor has to stay alert and know the exact point when the EP is reached.

(14) Always grant beingness to the preclear in session.
Comment: In (8) we said 'don't sympathize'. To 'Grant Beingness' is a lot different. The ability to grant (give, allow) beingness to others is probably the highest of human virtues. It is even more important to be able to permit (allow) other people to have beingness than to be able oneself to assume it.

(15) Do not to mix the processes of CT with other practices except when the preclear is physically ill and only medical means will serve.

Comment: If you as a pc are currently involved with other practices, you should tell your auditor. If you think you need medical assistance, tell your auditor as well.

(16) Always maintain good Communication with the preclear and do not cut his communication or let him overrun in session.

Comment:  A mechanical or frozen approach won't do the trick. Only live communication will actually be able to make the processes work.

(17) Never enter comments, expressions or enturbulence into a session that distracts a preclear from his case.

Comment: Be sure to maintain a safe environment such as telephones off, etc.

(18) Always continue to give the preclear the process or auditing command when needed in the session
Comment: "What turns it on will turn it off".
It can occasionally look like you are getting nowhere or things are getting worse. But when you keep going, and do it with skill and ARC, it will soon be clear, that there is another side of the process and a real result will be obtained.

(19) Do not let a preclear run a wrongly understood command.

Comment: Part of every process is clearing the commands or questions. This is done with dictionaries, etc.

(20) Do not try to explain, justify, or make excuses in session for any auditor mistakes whether real or imagined.

Comment: If you start to do the above, you break down the pc's confidence in you and it may start arguments.

(21) Always estimate the current case state of a preclear only by Standard Case Supervision data and do not diverge because of some imagined difference in the case.

Comment: There is a known remedy for any pc situation. A case supervisor will between sessions look over the reports to ensure that everything is done right and ensure the best course is taken. This is Standard Case Supervision.

(22) Never use the secrets of a preclear divulged in session for punishment or personal gain.
Comment: There is a client/practitioner privilege. The auditor is sworn to secrecy and confidentiality in a similar manner to lawyers, doctors and priests.

(23) Do not advocate CT only to cure illness or only to treat the insane, as it is intended for spiritual gain.

Comment: Processing has been known to have a positive effect on people's health and even psychiatric conditions. The auditor cannot and should not make any promises. He is pursuing spiritual goals and the spirit or thetan can suddenly and unpredictably change things around that make medical conditions disappear.

44. EXAMINER:  In a large organization there is what is called the Examiner.
1. The Examiner is there to give the pc an independent inspection after session. She will seat the pc and have him hold the Meter cans for a moment. She won't say anything, but simply note down pc's appearance and Meter response.

2. The Pc can (and should) give a short statement about the session to her.

3.  The Examiner is also the person a preclear sees if he wishes to make any sort of statement regarding his case, or if there is something he wants handled regarding his case.

PC Hat

The following information has direct relevance to what the pc is supposed to do and not do outside of session.

1. FOOD: The Auditors Code requires that the pc be well fed. There is a little more to that. The Meter responds better when pc's metabolism is good. Therefore he should eat extra healthy food, including fresh vegetables and take multi vitamins/minerals while in auditing. This speeds up auditing. It is recommended to take a daily mega-dose of balanced vitamins/minerals.

2. SLEEP: The pc has to be well rested. Eight hours is recommended.  Also, auditing should not be done late at night or outside the pc's normal awake hours.

3. ALCOHOL, DRUGS: Alcohol, drugs, and auditing do not mix. The rule is: Drink no alcohol 24 hours before session. Do not take painkillers, headache pills and the like while in auditing. The rule is usually no auditing a week after such medication. Street drugs can take 4-6 weeks to wear off. You should tell your auditor what medications you are on or take on a regular basis and clear up any questions up with him.

4. OTHER TREATMENT OR PRACTICES: If the pc is currently involved with other practices he should tell the auditor right away. For CT to be effective it has to be allowed to work. If the pc depends on several types of therapy simultaneously there is probably a physical condition or a major problem in his life. The auditor will make sure he gets any medical assistance needed and then handle the case aspects of the condition with the pc fully being there.                                           

We are not trying to replace 
 needed medical treatment with 
CT. But a pc with his case 
handled will have less medical 
conditions happen to him.

 5. OFF-LINE ACTIONS: Related to the above is: Do not accept off-line actions. The pc should not accept assists, do a full TRs Course, or accept "Coffee Shop Auditing" (meaning somebody informally trying to audit you over a cup of coffee) while receiving auditing. Only when the auditor and the case supervisor know what is going on can they be fully effective.

6. PCs SHOULD NOT TALK ABOUT THEIR CASES: This can lead to invalidations and out reality and undue restimulation by "helpful listeners".

7. EXAMINER STATEMENTS: If something out of the ordinary happens outside session that the pc feels it is important for the auditor to know, he can go to the Examiner and tell it to her. She will ensure it gets in the folder and that the auditor (and case supervisor) will know. It can be illness, accidents, either unhandled, or new problems. It could also be unexpected wins and successes.
If the pc feels bad about earlier auditing or a sudden situation in life, it becomes high priority for the auditor to handle it and he should do so within 24 hours.

8. ETHICS: If pc runs into heavy problems with relatives, employers (or the law), etc., the auditor may need to address it before auditing is begun or continued. This is based upon the auditor's judgment, but also on some technical facts. Heavy Present time problems need to be addressed in the physical universe.

This concludes all the basic data needed to be able to receive auditing successfully. Make sure you know this very well as it saves you time in auditing and makes it run better.  



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