This chapter is from The Road to Clear, Level Four Pro

Dating and Locating


Guided Tour



"What is a Student"
"Barriers to Study"
"Understanding and Study"
"Conceptual Understanding"

Level 0

"What is Auditing"
"Basic Definitions for PC's"
"PC Hat"
and Auditing"
and Scales"
"ARC & Training Routines"
"Axiom 28 - The Comm Formula"
"PC Indicators"
"How the Meter Works"
"Auditor's Code"
"Auditor's Beingness"


"The Grades"
"Recall Grade"
"Comm Grade"
"Grade Chart"

Level 1

"Objective Processes "

Level 2

"Missed Withholds"
"Overts & Motivators"
"Confessional Auditor's Beingness"

Level 3

"Two Way Comm"
"ARC Breaks"
"Cause of ARC-breaks"
"Listing & Nulling"

Level 4
"Service Computations"
"Right and Wrong"
"Fixated Purpose RD"
Level 4 Pro
"Potential Trouble Source"
"PTS - Definitions"
"Anti-social Personality"
"PTS Phenomena"
"Out- Interiorization"
Level 5

"Time Track Illustrated"
"Time Track and Engram Running"








Dating is the action the auditor takes to help the pc spot the exact time something happened.

Locating is the action the auditor takes to help the pc spot the exact place something happened.

The essence of Date/Locate is to bring the pc out of a past incident  and bring him into present time by erasing the Date by spotting it. And then erasing the Location by spotting it. The pc was out of the present (PT) and fixed by both date and location of the incident or event. 

Understand this simple point and you will have no trouble with Date/Locate or have much need for a rote procedure.

A number of his attention units were fixated in the past - still trying to resolve a past event or incident. It can be an engramic incident, which left the pc frozen in terror or overwhelmed by the emotional content or a threat to his survival at the time. But the process itself is simply to Date and Locate anything on the pc's track - near or far, good or bad. 


  Finding the exact time on the   
pc's track unsticks the pc's 
   fixed attention units and he   
can As-is the stuck moment.
A stuck viewpoint of the past 
is getting a "wake-up call". 

It is a fast and highly precise action. It is a very direct way of dealing with such images, events and incidents. It needs to be done smoothly and with good TR's. The results can be very swift and remarkable.

On a practical level, D/L is used as a handling for different situations brought to light on correction lists.

It can be used as a special rehab process. In this case you pinpoint a release point or win in the pc's auditing and put any wondering in his mind to rest. But you can also handle moments of loss and trauma and  unstick the pc from various other stuck points on the Time Track.

It is also used to correct wrong dates and locations found in earlier auditing. The auditor will in many processes ask casually when and where something took place. Sometimes pc's can get hung up on that if it was wrong in some way.

In all these instances the pc will have his attention hung up on stuck points and finding the exact 'when' and 'where' will unstick him from them.

A pc can have many confusions about time. He can have a wrong date for an incident. He can have two incidents mixed up so they are collapsed into one in his mind. He can think the one happened before the other (such as the effect incident happened before the cause incident). But worst of all, he can be completely stuck in an incident and believe it is still happening right now. He is viewing things from that stuck point in time. By dating that exactly you will blow such a stuck point of view. The pc will experience it as a sudden blow or disappearance of mental mass.

   A person can be completely   
stuck in a past incident and a 
past viewpoint so he thinks 
it is happening right now.

With the Locate step you handle the stuck viewpoint of location. That is exactly where the pc was and viewed it from when it happened.

You may ask: If you have dated an incident to a Blow, is there anything left to blow on the Locate step?
The answer can be found in Axiom 38: "... Truth is the exact time, place, form and event.... Thus we see that the discovery of Truth would bring about an As-isness by actual experiment." When you put in the Locate step you blow the stuck Location (place) as well. Occasionally the whole thing can blow on the Dating step alone. In D/L you deal with exact point of view and do not pay attention to 'form and event' as you would in other processes.

By dating and locating, getting the exact time and place a specific event happened, the pc is able to blow the mass and energy connected with the incident.

Taken to Blow
Both the Date step and the Locate step are taken to "Blow". It is defined this way:
Definition of blow: The sudden dissipation of mass in the mind with an accompanying feeling of relief.

This definition must be understood by both auditor and pc. It is cleared with the pc before beginning the Date/Locate steps. Have the pc demo it, using a demo kit as needed.

A blow is a definite manifestation. Vital data for the auditor is that the pc must say "Something blew" or "It disappeared" or "It's gone" or "It vanished," not simply "I feel lighter. "

It can also be demonstrated by the auditor this way: The auditor puts his hand on the pc's arm. The pc will feel the light pressure. Then the auditor removes his hand and the pc will notice the lack of pressure. That demonstrates a Blow.

Meter Dependence
During Dating/Locating the pc is on the Meter but the auditor is primarily interested in the pc's answers. He merely keeps an eye on the Meter as well. He does not go into Meter dating or Meter locating unless the pc himself gives up.

A pc can be made more dependent on the Meter or can be made less dependent of the Meter. This depends upon the auditor. If the auditor "asks the Meter" all the time he and the pc get more and more dependent. If the pc's case is improving he will become more in-dependent of the Meter. That is what you want to see.

The rule is: Use the Meter to find dates - but only after the pc has been unable to come up with the date.

The same principle applies to the Locate steps.

You are using a system of measurement of time to date anything. There are various systems for this. But time is basically a postulate or consideration so there is no absolute right system. It can be measured in terms of years ago. It can be measured by year, month and day (2001 AD, September 11). These two systems are the common ones for this planet. The term "year" is an Earth term. It is the time it takes planet Earth to complete an orbit around the sun. In larger whole track dates different systems were used. The whole point is to use the system the pc is using.  You want to blow a past time the pc is stuck in. And the pc will very often use the dating system of the time period he is stuck in. It doesn't matter what system of time measurement the pc uses. It is important that the auditor accepts the pc's data. That means he uses the system the pc is using and he doesn't try to change it.


The auditor accepts 
   the time measurement   
system the pc uses and
  does not try to change it.
   If it was "one million hour   
glasses ago", that's fine.  

First you simply ask the pc, "When was it?". He may tell you in terms of "years ago" or "weeks ago." Or he may say "It was 1792" or "It was the 24th of May 1492." Or he may come up with an earlier track system of dating. Either way, you take it and if he has said "Exactly at  Midnight on March 12, 1918" you don't then ask "How many years ago?" He basically just told you and your question would be a form of not accepting his data by trying to alter the dating system the pc is using.

Rule: You accept and use the dating system the pc is using. 

It is a very remarkable thing that a pc can figure out in years when something happened earlier than this planet. The pc has some sort of mental computer that can do this. But there is no point in trying to get the pc to convert a date to some other system.

When the pc has it the auditor sticks to the pc's exact statement. He calls it back by that system (time ago or by date). To call it back is an indication. You use the pc's exact wording when doing that.

Implant dates 
Implant dates are dates which were implanted in the pc's mind by various bad practices of the whole-track. They were implanted to mess up the pc's sense of time. Usually they only give small reads while actual dates read well. If you suspect that you are getting false dates out of an implant you Meter check "Implant date?" and you will get a read. After that is indicated the false implant date will no longer read. The actual date will read well.

Meter-check this:

a) a false date from an implant?
b) an actual date?

and the Meter  will tell which and you indicate that to the pc.

On the Locating step  you use direction and distance. Just as time is basically a consideration, so is distance. And there are many systems of measuring distance, both on this planet and earlier on the track. Distance can be measured in miles, kilometers, light-years, etc. There are even many different types of 'Miles', Nautical Miles, American Miles, Scandinavian Miles and even Metric Miles (10 kilometers, used in Sweden). In one whole-track space civilization, intergalactic distances were measured in terms of how long the distance took to travel for a particular type of spaceship called a Hylan; intergalactic distances were measured by the number of "days of Hylan space flight." Pc's have a tendency to use the system that was used at the time of the past location that he is stuck in. Just as a pc can use a sort of mental computer to convert whole track dates into "years ago," he can also mentally convert some distances into "miles" or "kilometers". But the auditor will never ask him to do so.

Rule: You accept and use the distance system the pc is using. 

And once the pc has stated the distance the auditor sticks to the pc's exact statement. He calls it back by that system. To call it back is an indication. You use the pc's exact wording when doing that.



You locate the exact past 
   location from where the pc   
is. You find direction and 
distance, using the pc's 
system of measurement.
It can be next door 
or galaxies away.
Pc can also give it in 
relation to landmarks


Locating Step
As in dating the auditor may have to help the pc with the Meter. But the auditor never starts to Meter-check unless the pc can't get it by himself.

Sometimes you get the blow early in the procedure, on the direction step alone or on the pc realizing it happened somewhere else, or "not here" or "Australia" or whatever. The auditor must be alert for the BD and F/N and ask the pc if it blew. To go on is an overrun and messy as it already blew.

If you don't get a blow on finding the direction and distance, you will usually get a blow on calling the location back to the pc as an indication. If not, suspect an error in the direction or distance - or the auditor altered it in calling it back.

In locating the auditor is getting the past physical location of the incident. The auditor gets the direction, distance, what galaxy, star, planet, country, etc. In this way he pinpoints it to the exact location in space where it happened.

In drilling and doing the procedure, remember this: it is not done rotely; one uses the questions that apply.

For example, if it occurred "next door" one would not ask "What planet?". If the pc on the dating step has said it's "two years ago" you wouldn't go on and ask "What galaxy?" when locating the same incident, of course.

If the incident happened outside a town in the open you wouldn't ask what city, house, street or room, either. You use common sense and ask the questions that apply.

The auditor does not try to run incidents or Engrams at the same time he is doing the Locate step. It is simply location. Where? What? How far? 
(Joke.  As they say in real estate: Location, location, location!).

If there is no instant blow when the location is fully spotted and it seems correct, the location is called back to the pc. It usually blows when it is called back to the pc after it is known.

Two Separate Drills
There are two drills for dating and locating. Which one is used depends upon pc's ability to find and give the data. The first drill is where the pc gives the data. The second drill is where the auditor has to use the Meter to get all the data. As with all processing, the pc's ability will increase as you go along; the auditor must be alert for this and change from Meter dating and locating to only have to accept and take the pc's data. It can also happen that a pc who was able to find and give the data may run into something  heavy and in need of assistance. The rules are:

Never use the Meter if the pc can find the data by himself. Never let the pc struggle if he can't find it by himself. Never use the Meter to challenge or 'correct' the pc's data.




© Clearbird Publishing 2003, 2004