TRs Demo Drills

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The purpose of these two drills is simply to have the student get the idea what the TRs are all about and that they can be improved. To coach anything is forbidden at this stage. Coaching is not done until the student has done enough theory to make it meaningful. The drills are simply to give the student a practical idea about what the course is all about and where he stands.

TR Demo Drill 1

Purpose: To teach the student what confronting another person means and that it takes drilling to do naturally. Also, to give student an idea of where he stands.

Position: Student and coach sit on two chairs about 3 Feet (1 meter) apart. There is no table in between.

Commands: There are no commands and no coaching taking place. It's a silent drill. 
The coach says "Start" and "That's it" to begin and end each drill period.

Directions: The student and coach simply sit two minutes by the clock looking at each other.
Nothing is said or done. When the student can do that and feels he has learned something from it the drill is passed. The coach keeps track of the time.
Longer intervals can be used, max 5 minutes.

TR Demo Drill 2

Purpose: To teach the student that listening to another person is a skill and it takes drilling to do naturally. Also, to give student an idea of where he stands.

Position: Student and coach sit on two chairs about 3 Feet (1 meter) apart. There is no table in between.

Commands: Student is to ask coach, "How did you get here today?"
Other objective social questions can be used.
(Don't use subjective questions, such as, "How are you doing?")
Other objective questions could be: "Have you read an interesting book lately?" "Tell me about it."
"Did you watch or listen to news lately?" "Tell me about it."
"What kind of work do you do?" "Tell me about it."
"Tell me about an interesting place you have visited."

Instructions: The coach is to answer in detail and keep talking for a while.
Student listens interestedly without interruptions but showing that he wants the coach to tell it all.
When the coach is finished the student acknowledges to show he understood. He does not comment on the coach's statements or ask additional questions.

No coaching is allowed. "Start" and "That's it" are used by coach to start and end a drill period. The drills can be video taped and reviewed once the student get to the actual TR drills.

When the student has realized that listening to another is a skill and he feels happy about improving on that skill he is passed.

The drills are simply done to give the student a practical idea about the subject. This gives him a subjective experience to which he can relate the data he is going to study. Also, at the end of the course he can think back on these drills and compare his skill level. If the drills were video taped the video can be reviewed and his performance critiqued when he gets onto TR 0-4. Absolutely no coaching should be done. Coaching is done on the actual TR Drills.

The drills should not to be redone once passed. When the student is started and on his way he should get onto the actual TR Drills.